Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cardboard Cares!

As many of my friends know, I'm a huge supporter of giving back, and a major factor in why I love Legend of the Five Rings' community so much is the numerous charitable opportunities that are attached to larger events. Every year, I run a storyline event as part of the Carnage gaming convention in Fairlee, Vermont. This year I decided to put my money where my mouth is and add a charity drive to my event. So without further ado, I am happy to share here my charity drive:

Restoring the Doji Treasury - A L5R Charity Fundraiser

The weekend of August 27th, Hurricane Irene made her way up the East coast of the United States. The large amounts of wind and rain brought by Irene, then downgraded to a Tropical Storm, have devastated parts of Vermont with possibly the worst flooding to occur in the past 85 years. Entire towns became cut off from all access routes as roads washed away when up to 11 inches of rain fell in parts of the state of Vermont. Although the loss of life has been small, more than 260 roads and highways were closed due to flood damage and roughly 50,000 people lost power; some are still without it a week later. This has all put a terrible burden on the disaster relief agencies in Vermont and New England, and it is my hope that the people of the amazing and charitable community that surrounds L5R can help lighten that burden.

During the Name A Celestial event at CarnageCon this year, I will be running a Penny War fundraiser to benefit the Vermont Foodbank and the American Red Cross of Vermont and the New Hampshire Valley.

How does a Penny War work?
The rules of this Penny War are simple. Upon arriving at the event, those in attendance will find 10 buckets, each marked with a Clan or Shadowlands mon. Players can gain points for the faction of their choosing by dropping Pennies into the faction they wish to support; for each Penny donated, that faction will gain 1 point. Players can also drop Nickles, Dimes, Quarters and Dollar Bills in to a bucket, but the catch is, those coins and bills reduce the points for that faction by the value of the coin or bill. After all points for and against have been counted, the faction with the most points (or least amount of negative points) wins.

So what does my faction win?
It's very hard to reward an entire playerbase, but I will be attending at least 3 Kotei this next year, and I am donating myself to playing the faction that wins the Penny War at at least one Kotei, more if the amount of money raised at my event exceeds $500.

I know I don't have the tournament resume of better known players, but I have managed 3 Top 4 finishes over the course of the Celestial arc, all in events with first class players and at least 40 participants, most notably finishing 3rd at the 2011 Ottawa Kotei. I promise no matter what faction wins, I will give it my all to represent that faction to the best of my ability.

But, I'm not making it to Carnage and I still want to help.
Awesome! The community of this great game is why I'm still dedicated as ever playing after 8 years. For those still wanting to help this cause, I will offer another chance for me to represent your faction.

Anyone wishing to send me a donation online can do so, and I will keep track of what faction you want your donation to represent. I will then total all the online donations for each faction, and the faction that has donated the most money online will be played by me at one of the other Kotei I will attend in 2012. Note: These online donations will not gain or cost points for your faction on the day of the event. Anyone wishing to make a donation online, can email me for my PayPal or mailing address.

After the event, all collected donations will be split evenly between the two charities, who doubtless will be needing them as they head in to the Thanksgiving and Holiday season. Please donate what you can, and if you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to ask.

Please repost this to any other forums or L5R venues you may visit. Thank you for your time.

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